< /head > Colorado Coalition for Human Rights: Bush to use First Veto on Stem Cell Legislation

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bush to use First Veto on Stem Cell Legislation

From the Washington Post:

The Senate voted to lift restrictions on federally funded human embryonic stem cell research yesterday, setting the table for President Bush's first veto and producing an emotional campaign issue that Democrats believe will help them this fall.

Senators voted 63 to 37 to approve a House-passed bill that would pour millions of dollars into a field of medical research that is promising -- but also controversial because it requires destroying human embryos to extract the cells. Bush announced in his first nationally televised address, on Aug. 9, 2001, that he would ban government funding for research using embryonic stem cell colonies created after that date, and he has vowed to cast his first presidential veto to block the legislation rescinding his executive order.

Click here to read the article.

--Tom Hayes


Blogger Jonathan Moorhead said...

Would you be opposed to placing "Schindler's List" on your recommended viewing list?

2:24 PM  
Blogger Colorado Coalition for Human Rights said...

I'll add it to the list, I actually thought I had already placed it on there, so thanks for the suggestion.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Pikkel Weezel said...

This makes no sense, I have supported a lot of what Bush has done as unpopular as that may be, but this is just fuckin stupid.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Colorado Coalition for Human Rights said...

You're not alone in thinking that, in fact polls show that the American people favor this legislation overwhelmingly...and Congress passed the bill by a pretty wide margin...which is rare these days. Thanks for the comment.

--Tom Hayes

9:09 PM  

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