< /head > Colorado Coalition for Human Rights: Littleton High School Student Suspended Over Comments on Website

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Littleton High School Student Suspended Over Comments on Website

The Rocky Mountain News has an interesting story about a local high school student who has recently been allowed to return to school after being suspended for writing satirical comments about his school on myspace.com. As the article reports:

A Littleton High School student who was suspended for criticizing his school on the Internet is back in school today after the American Civil Liberties Union threatened to file a federal lawsuit accusing school officials of violating his First Amendment rights.
The ACLU of Colorado said an agreement was reached with school district officials Monday evening to let Bryan Lopez, a 16-year-old junior, return to classes.
Littleton Public Schools suspended Lopez for 15 days and was looking into expelling him after he used his home computer to post satirical commentary on the Internet web site MySpace.com on Feb. 7. Lopez missed six school days before the ACLU reached agreement with school officials to let him return.

Click here to read the full article.

--Tom Hayes


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